Information last updated November 2024 | Find out more
Primark does not own any factories and is selective about the suppliers with whom we work. Every factory which manufactures product for Primark has to commit to meeting internationally recognised standards, before the first order is placed and throughout the time they work with us.
The factories featured on the map are Primark's suppliers' production sites which represent approximately 98% of Primark products for sale in our stores. A factory is detailed on the Map only after it has produced products for Primark for a year and has become an established supplier. During the first year a factory has to demonstrate that it can consistently work to Primark’s ethical standards, as well as meet our commercial requirements in areas such as quality and timely delivery.
Each factory entry includes the site address, the number of workers and gender split. We will review and update the information on the Map once a year, although we may choose to remove a factory between formal updates, if we are no longer using a particular factory as a supplier.